Agents are computers and servers that are being backed up. With CDP Enterprise Edition, you can manage multiple CDP Agents.
- Accessing Agents — Instructions on how to access and use the "Agents" screen in CDP.
- Adding the Agent to the CDP Server — Instructions on how to add an Agent to your CDP Enterprise Edition.
- Changing Agents — Instructions on how to change CDP Agent properties in CDP Enterprise Edition.
- Customizing the Agents List — Instructions on how to hide and show columns, sort rows, manage items per page, and filter the "Agents" list in CDP.
- Testing Agent Connection — Instructions on how to test Agent connection in CDP Enterprise Edition.
- Deleting Agents — Instructions on how to delete CDP Agent in CDP Enterprise Edition.
- Starting CDP Agent in Recovery Mode — Instructions on how to put a CDP Agent into recovery mode.
Accessing Agents
Adding the Agent to the CDP Server
Changing Agents
Customizing the Agents List
Testing Agent Connection
Deleting Agents
Starting CDP Agent in Recovery Mode