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{note:title=Notice}Make sure you have configured SMTP Host and SMTP Default Return Address in the Server Options. See [Configuring Server Options].
1. Open the Web browser connected to the CDP Server Web Interface and log in. (See [CDP3:Accessing Standard Edition Web Interface], [Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface], [CDP3:Accessing Advanced Edition Web Interface].)
21. Click on "Reporting" in the Main Menu to open the "Reports" screen.
|| Standard Edition || Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
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32. Then click "Create New Report" in the Reporting menu located in the top left area.
43. The "Create New Report" window opens.

54. On the next page, define a name and subject for the report and choose whether or not to enable it. A report's name must be unique and the report will only run on its schedule if it is enabled.

65. On the next screen, select a report owner. You can choose them from the list:

76. On the next screen, define how frequently the report will be run. You can choose from the next options:
* *On-demand report* \- Run when you manually execute it.
* *Minutely report* \- Defines the period in minutes of report execution. The report will run every X minutes. X can be a value in minutes between 0 and 59.
* *Minutely report* \- Defines the period in minutes of report execution. The report will run every X minutes. X can be a value in minutes between 0 and 59.

87. On the next screen, define the recipients for the report. You can choose from users and groups on the CDP Server, or specify email addresses to deliver the report to.

98. On the next screen, select from several filters on which to include the tasks in the report.
* *Filtering by Agent* \- Selecting this option will include tasks for the specified agents.
* *Filtering by Task Type* \- Selecting this option will include tasks of the specified types.
* *Filtering by Task Type* \- Selecting this option will include tasks of the specified types.

98.1. Choose Agents
If you have selected the "Filter by Agent" option in Step 9, then the "Choose Agents" screen will appear. From the drop-down menu, select an Agent name and click "Add." Add as many Agents as you need. The Email Report will contain data about Tasks which concern the selected Agents. Tasks run against other Agents or not associated with an Agent will not be included.

98.2 Choose Task Types
If you have selected the "Filter by Task Type" option in Step 9, then the "Choose Task Types" screen will appear. From the drop-down menu, select a Task Type and click "Add." The following Task Types can be selected:

98.3 Choose Task States
If you have selected the "Filter by Task State" option in Step 9, then the "Choose Task States" screen will appear. Select the checkboxes in front of the Task States to include in the Email Report. The following States can be selected:

98.4 Choose Task Alerts
If you have selected the "Filter by Task Alert" option in Step 9, then the "Choose Task Alerts" screen will appear. On this screen, choose whether to include tasks with alerts or tasks without alerts:

98.5 Choose Log Message Levels
If you have selected the "Filter by Log Message Level" option in Step 9, then the "Choose Log Message Levels" screen will appear. Select the checkboxes in front of the Log Message Levels to include in the Email Reporting. You can select the following:

10. 9. On the next screen, select the checkboxes in front of the options you want to activate:
* *Send Empty Reports* \- Send the report even if there is no new data since the last time it was run.
* *Include Full Alert Details* \- Include the full alert details, which will include the full-text of the alerts and their associated log messages.
* *Include Full Alert Details* \- Include the full alert details, which will include the full-text of the alerts and their associated log messages.

110. The next screen provides a short summary of the newly created report.