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You will enter the CDP Servers screen.
!http://youngcopy.net/handynetworks/images_for_confluence/conn2.png! !conn2.png!

| !59.png! | *Enable/Disable CDP Server* | Click this icon to enable/disable the CDP Server. Enabled servers are accessible from the Console. If the server is disabled, it is not accessible from the Console and its status is not displayed. |
You can perform some of the actions on several servers at once by selecting them from the list using checkboxes and clicking the corresponding button at the top.
You can perform some of the actions on several servers at once by selecting them from the list using checkboxes and clicking the corresponding button at the top.
* *Disable/Enable Selected*
* *Delete Selected*
* *Delete Selected*

You can access the details of a CDP Server by clicking on that Server in the list.
The "Details" pane contains three tabs and a quick access bar.