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Follow the instructions below to add an Agent to your CDP Enterprise Edition.
1. Open the Web browser connecting to the CDP Enterprise Edition and log in (See [CDP3:Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface]).
1. Click on "Agents" in the Main Menu to access the "Agents" page.
2. Click on "Agents" in the Main Menu to access the "Agents" page.
32. Then click "Create New Agent" in the Agents menu located in the top left area.
43. The "Create New Agent" window will appear. You will need to define the following options:
* *Name* \- Enter a name for the Agent. It will be displayed in the "Agents" List.
* *Host Name* \- Enter the Host Name or IP address of the Agent.
* *Host Name* \- Enter the Host Name or IP address of the Agent.

{info:title=Note}A Power User creating an Agent is an owner by default.
54. To assign Group(s) to the Agent, switch to the "Groups" tab.

{info:title=Note}You can find the group permission descriptions in [CDP3:Accessing Users].
65. To assign User(s) to the Agent, switch to the "Users" tab.

{info:title=Note}You can find the user permission descriptions in [CDP3:Accessing Users].
76. After you have finished with the settings, click "Create."
87. The Agent will appear in the Agents list.