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View Page HistoryData Center Console allow to generate e-mail reports.
Data Center Console allows you to generate email reports.

h3. Prerequisites for Generating the DCC Report:
1. To see the enhancement related to DCC statistics report, you need the following objects to be created:
1. To see the enhancements related to the DCC statistics report, the following objects must be created:
* Three CDPs with the "Error", "Warning" "Error," "Warning," and "Ok" status. See [Adding CDP Servers to the Data Center Console].
* Three Disks (Disks Usage) with the "Error", "Warning" "Error," "Warning," and "Ok" status. See [Adding CDP Servers to the Data Center Console].
* There are should be three Volumes with the "Error", "Warning" and "Ok" status. See [Monitoring Volumes in Data Center Console].
* Three Volumes with the "Error," "Warning," and "Ok" status. See [Monitoring Volumes in Data Center Console].
* Three Policies with the "Error", "Warning" "Error," "Warning," and "Ok" status. See [Monitoring Policies in Data Center Console]
2. SMTP Ssetup information should be added. See [Configuring Data Center Console].
h3. Creating and Running the Report
Follow the instructions below to create and run the DCC report.
1. Select "Reporting" from the Main Menu.

5. On the appeared displayed screen, select a report owner from the "Owner" drop-down list.

6. Then, you should define Define how frequently the report will be run. Choose the appropriate option from the "Frequency Type" drop-down list.
{info:title=Note}You can choose from a minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly schedule, or you can choose the on-demand option. {info}

8. The "Add E-mail Address" window opens. Specify the e-mail address to deliver the report to.

9. On the next screen, choose one of the following report options.:
* *Individual E-mails* \-- Sends the report even if there is no new data since the last time it was run.
* *Send report only if errors or warnings* \- Includes the full alert details, which will include details and the full-text of the alerts.
* *Specify From Address* -- Allows you to specify a “From Address” for the e-mail to use instead of the COP server's default.
{info:title=Tip}In this case, you will need to fill in the "From Address" field below.{info}

11. Click the "OK" button in the appeared displayed window.

Click "OK". "OK."
All the possible actions that you can perform from the "Actions" column are listed in the table below.
|| Action || Icon || Description ||

| !delete.jpg! | Delete | Permanently removes the Report |
| !lalala.jpg! | Preview | Opens the last generated report in a preview window |
| !lalala.jpg! | Preview | Opens the last generated report in a preview window |
| !run.jpg! | Run Now | Generates the Report and sends it to the specified e-mails email addresses |
| !enable.jpg! | Disable/Enable | Makes Disables the selected Report disabled. The Report will not be generated at the scheduled time |
h3. Enhancements in DCC report

The DCC reports contain the following information:
* *CDP Servers statistics* \- Any CDPs that contain a "Warning" or "Error" status will be listed including with their State, CDP, Host Address, and Comment containing a specific warning or error message.
* *Volumes statistics* \- Any Volumes that contain a "Warning" or "Error" status will be listed including with their State, CDP, Name, and Comment containing a specific warning or error message.
* *Disk Usage statistics* \- Any disks that have "Warning" or "Error" level low capacity will be listed including with their State, CDP, Drive designator, and Comment containing a specific warning or error message.
* *Policies statistics* \- Any Policies that contain a "Warning" or "Error" status will be listed including with their State, CDP , Alert, Name, Agent, and Last Run timestamp.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to generate DCC reports. {excerpt}