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View Page HistoryThe following actions are available to customize the view of the ["Recovery Points" list|CDP3:Accessing Recovery Points]:
* Hide/Show column
* Manage the number of items per page
* Manage the number of items per page

h3. Hiding/Showing Columns
The columns can be hidden. Same as for the "Disk Safes" list. See [CDP3:Customizing the Disk Safes List].
h3. Sorting the List
You can sort the "Recovery Points" list on the basis of a column content in ascending or descending order. Same as for the "Disk Safes" list. See [CDP3:Customizing the Disk Safes List].
h3. Managing Items Per Page
Same as for the "Disk Safes" list. See [CDP3:Customizing the Disk Safes List].

* *State* \- Select this check-box to be able to define the filter options on the basis of the Recovery Point State. The following options are available if the "State" is checked:
** *Available* \- To search for Recovery Points that are available for the necessary actions. All processes with available Recovery Points are finished.
** *Available* \- To search for Recovery Points that are available for the necessary actions. All processes with available Recovery Points are finished.
** *Locked* \- To search for Locked Recovery Points. Locking prevents being merged, both by users and automatically through the data protection policy. See more [CDP3:Locking Recovery Points].
** *Merged* \- To search for Merged Recovery Points. See more [CDP3:Merging Recovery Points].
** *Replicating* \- To search for Recovery Points which are replicated at the present time.
** *Replicate interrupted* \- To search for Recovery Points where replication was interrupted because of an error or cancellation of a task. See [CDP3:Canceling Tasks].
** *Merging* \- To search for Recovery Points which are merged at the present time.
** *Merge Interrupted* \- To search for Recovery Points where merging was interrupted because of an error or cancellation of a task. See [CDP3:Canceling Tasks].
By default, all States are checked and all Recovery Points are displayed.