Version 1 by Irina Gruzdilovich
on Mar 22, 2012 13:40.

compared with
Current by Nata Ramanenka
on May 11, 2012 08:13.

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Changes (2)

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* *Port* \- Enter the port that the HTTP Server will listen on in the provided text box. Default port is 80.
{info:title=Note}You can also specify the HTTP Port using the Windows CDP Configuration Utility. See [CDP3:Configuring CDP Server Ports].
* *Max Connections* \- Define the largest simultaneous number of user connections via HTTP protocol. Default value is 100.
* *Port* \- Enter the port the HTTPS server will listen on in the text box. Default port is 80.
{info:title=Note}You can also specify the HTTPS Port using the Windows CDP Configuration Utility. See [CDP3:Configuring CDP Server Ports].
* *Max Connections* \- Define the largest simultaneous number of user connections via HTTPS protocol. Default value is 100.