Version 1 by Irina Gruzdilovich
on Mar 22, 2012 13:54.

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Current by Nata Ramanenka
on May 11, 2012 08:01.

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The CDP Agent Utility is a Windows application automatically installed together with CDP Enterprise Agent on the same machine. The Utility provides access to the common functions related to the CDP Agent.

{Note:title=Notice}CDP Agent Utility is available on the machine with CDP Agent installed. On the machine where CDP Server is installed, use [Windows CDP Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Configuration Utility].

* [Viewing Server Keys Installed on Windows Agent]
* [Uninstall the Server Key from Windows Agent]
* [CDP3:Changing Windows Agent Configuration]
* [Restarting CDP Agent|]\\
See also:
* [CDP3:Launching the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility]

{info:title=Note}CDP Standard and Advanced Editions go with CDP Server that is already built-in. Use [Windows CDP Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Configuration Utility] to configure both CDP Server and CDP Agent.