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Current by Shannon George
on Aug 29, 2012 17:01.

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3. Then see [Obtaining Data Center Console for Windows] for instructions on finding out if there is a new version available for downloading.

4. Once you have downloaded a the new version, double-click it to start the installation process. The installation wizard will open. 
The upgrade process is the same as the installation process.
!DCC installer_Agreement.png!

9. Setup will check for any problems. If no problems are found, click on the "Next" button.

!DCC installer_preinstall checks.png!

There may be some problems with the installation. Eliminate them and continue. In our example, this issue is not critical, and you can continue.
!DCC installer_preinstall checks_disk space check failed.png!

If you encounter such a message(s), find the file(s) indicated and *rename them *(provide any other file name for them). Then click the "Retry" button.
!DCC installer_error window.png!

13. The installation process will be continued. continue.

!DCC installer_Installing in progress_continue.png!

Be aware that you do not have to start the "R1Soft DataCenter Console" service, as it starts automatically after the installation completes.

16. Open a browser, and enter the Data Center Console's address as you did it earlier.

17. Click "Configuration" in the main menu.
!DCC_Main Menu_Configuration.png!

18. In our example, we can see that the version has been changed as was expected.

!DCC version_upgarded.png!