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To access the Dashboard from any other screen, click on "Dashboard" *Dashboard* in the mMain menu.

| !red.png! | The number of Volumes at a hard quota. See [Create volumes] for more information about quotas |
| !blue.png! | The number of Volumes currently in an unknown state |
| !blue.png! | The number of Volumes currently in an unknown state |
To access more detailed information about the volumes, click the !monocle.png! icon. This will take you to the Data Center Console "Volumes" screen. Volumes window.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "Volumes" screen, Volumes window, the filter is automatically applied to the volumes list depending on the notification you have selected.

| !blue.png! | The number of Policies that are in unknown state |
To access more detailed information about the policies, click the !monocle.png! icon. The icon will take you to the Data Center Console "Policies" screen. Policies window.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "Policies" screen, Policies window, the filter is automatically applied to the Policies list depending on the notification you have selected.
{info:title=Tip} You can change the position of the windows by using drag-and-drop.
{info:title=Tip} You can change the position of the windows by using drag-and-drop.