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2. Find the policy you want to edit in the "Policies" list, and click on the "Edit" icon in the "Actions" column for this Policy.
2. Find the policy you want to edit in the Policies list, and then click the Edit icon in the Actions column for this policy.
{info:title=Tip}To find a policy, you can use the Basic or Advanced List Filter. See [Monitoring Policies [ServerBackup:Monitor policies in Data Center Console]. DCC].
{info:title=Note}You can also use the "Bulk Edit" function. See [Bulk Editing|#bulk] below.
3. The "Edit Policy" window will open.

h5. Policy Settings Ttab

The options are described in [Create policies in DCC].
h5. Data Retention Ttab
This tab allows you to set the Retention rules and define the Archiving schedule.
h5. File Excludes Ttab

See [Exclude files and folders in DCC].
h5. Advanced Excludes Ttab

See [Exclude files and folders in DCC].
h5. "SQL Server" Tab
h5. SQL Server tab
!Edit Policy_SQL Server_English.png!

This tab allows you to add Database Instances to the policy. These options are described in [Add a MySQL instance to a policy].
h5. "Exchange" Tab
h5. Exchange tab
!Edit Policy_Exchange_English.png!

This tab allows you to configure an Exchange Instance for the Policy. These options are described in [Configure an Exchange instance].
h5. "MySQL" Tab
h5. MySQL tab
!Edit Policy_MySQL_English.png!

h5. Control Panels Ttab

See [Add a control panel instance in DCC].
h5. Advanced Policy Settings Ttab

See [Create policies in DCC].
4. Click on "Save" at the bottom of the window *Save* to apply the changes.
5. The changed options will be shown in the Policies list.
h4. {anchor:bulk}Bulk Editing