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* *Delete*. Allows you to permanently remove the user account from SBM. For more information about the scope of deleting a user account, see [Delete users|Delete users]. |
h4. List buttons
The buttons at the top of the Users list allow you to work with one or several items selected in the Users list. You must check the box(es) for the item(s) you want to manage before clicking on of the following buttons:
* *Clear All*. Clear all of the selected boxes.
* *Enable Selected*. Allows you to enable or activate one or more selected user accounts.
* *Disable Selected*. Allows you to disable or deactivate one or more selected user accounts.
* *Delete Selected*. Allows you to remove one or more selected user accounts from the Server Backup Manager.
The buttons at the top of the Users list allow you to work with one or several items selected in the Users list. You must check the box(es) for the item(s) you want to manage before clicking on of the following buttons:
* *Clear All*. Clear all of the selected boxes.
* *Enable Selected*. Allows you to enable or activate one or more selected user accounts.
* *Disable Selected*. Allows you to disable or deactivate one or more selected user accounts.
* *Delete Selected*. Allows you to remove one or more selected user accounts from the Server Backup Manager.
h4. Page navigation