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* *Weekly* \- The verification runs on a weekly schedule. You can select the start time and days in the corresponding fields. The verification will be launched every week at that time. _(Refer to the screenshot at the beginning of Step 4 for an example of a Weekly schedule.)_
* *Monthly* \- The verification runs on a monthly schedule. You can select the start time and the exact days of the month in the corresponding fields. The verification will be launched at that time.
* *Monthly* \- The verification runs on a monthly schedule. You can select the start time and the exact days of the month in the corresponding fields. The verification will be launched at that time.
!Edit Verification Schedule - Monthly.png!
* *Yearly* \- The verification runs on a yearly schedule. Select the start time and months of the year in the corresponding fields.
* *Yearly* \- The verification runs on a yearly schedule. Select the start time and months of the year in the corresponding fields.
!Edit Verification Schedule - Yearly.png|border=1!