Version 1 by Randy Bowie
on Jun 29, 2018 17:06.

compared with
Current by Randy Bowie
on Aug 29, 2018 12:47.

This line was removed.
This word was removed. This word was added.
This line was added.

Changes (4)

View Page History
| *Release Date:* | 06/28/2018 |
| *Build Date:* | 06/28/2018 \\ |
| *Linux Manager/Agent Build Version:* | 6.8.0 build 13 |
| *Windows Agent Build Version:* | 6.8.0 build 13     \\ |
{note:title=Debian and Ubuntu Users}
You will be unable to upgrade from a pre-6.2.2 version using {{apt-get upgrade}}. Instead, you will need to upgrade using either {{apt-get dist-upgrade}} OR {{apt-get install <package name>}}.
{note:title=Important Upgrade Notice}
Customers upgrading from Server Backup Manager 5.14.3\+ can upgrade as normal.&nbsp;If you are upgrading to 6.4 from any release previous to 5.14.3, this release introduces significant changes to the Disk Safe format which are incompatible with previous releases. Refer to&nbsp;_Important Upgrade Notices_&nbsp;in the [5.14.3 Release Notes|ServerBackupManager:Server Backup 5.14.3 Release Notes] for information on how to upgrade.
{color:#000000}{*}New Features{*}{color}


h1. New Features

* Changes to backup schedule and retention policies:
** Backup scheduling and retention are aligned.