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How Do MySQL Binary Log Backups Work?{excerpt}
MySQL [Binary Logs|http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/binary-log.html] contain a record of each SQL query executed against the database that changes data since the logs where last flushed (new log file started). MySQL Binary Logs must be enabled by passing the \--log-binoption to mysqld. The log contains queries like UPDATE and DELETE. The log does _not_ record SELECT or SHOW queries for example because they do not change the database.MySQL Binary Logs are some times confused with the InnoDB binary transaction log. InnoDB uses a binary log to journal changes to the InnoDB table space file(s) as a protection from crashes to protect table space data integrity. When \--log-bin is enabled even InnoDB transactions are written to the binary transaction log used for replication or restores.