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View Page Historyh2. About Windows CDP Configuration Utility
The Windows CDP Configuration Utility is a separate application installed together with the CDP Server Standard, Advanced, or Enterprise Edition.
{info:title=Note}CDP Standard and Advanced Editions go with CDP Server that is already built-in. Use [Windows CDP Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Configuration Utility] to configure both CDP Server and CDP Agent. As for Enterprise Edition, CDP Configuration Utility is available on the machine with CDP Server installed. On the machine where CDP Agent is installed, use [Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility].
{info:title=Note}CDP Standard and Advanced Editions go with CDP Server that is already built-in. Use [Windows CDP Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Configuration Utility] to configure both CDP Server and CDP Agent. As for Enterprise Edition, CDP Configuration Utility is available on the machine with CDP Server installed. On the machine where CDP Agent is installed, use [Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility].