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{info:title=Note} Super Users always have a right to add new Users into the system. Normal Users can have a right to add new Users if the corresponding option is checked for the User.
1. Open the Web browser connecting to the CDP Web Interface and log in. (See [Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface], [CDP3:Accessing Advanced Edition Web Interface].)
21. Click on "Users" in the Main Menu.
|| Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !users.png! | !main-menu-ent.png! |
| !users.png! | !main-menu-ent.png! |
32. In the "Users" menu, click on "Create New User."
{info:title=Note} Normal Users may not have a right to create new Users. In this case, the "New User" button is disabled. The right to create Users is defined and can be changed by the Administrator of the current User.
{info} !44a.png!
{info:title=Note} Normal Users may not have a right to create new Users. In this case, the "New User" button is disabled. The right to create Users is defined and can be changed by the Administrator of the current User.
{info} !44a.png!
43. The "Create New User" window will open.
|| Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
* *Volumes* \- To assign a Volume to the power-user, select a volume name from the drop-down menu and click on the "Plus" icon. You can assign several Volumes to the power-user.
65. Click on "Create" to add a new User with defined properties.
|| Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !]a.png! | !aa.png! |
| !]a.png! | !aa.png! |
7. Then you will be informed if the User was successfully created. Click "OK" in the displayed dialog.
6. Then you will be informed if the User was successfully created. Click "OK" in the displayed dialog.
!ok.png!{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to add a new User in CDP.{excerpt}