Version 7 by Weston See
on Jun 16, 2011 15:51.

compared with
Version 8 by Weston See
on Jun 16, 2011 15:54.

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Changes (2)

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{note:title=Warning}This is a dangerous operation. Make sure all data has been backed up *before* changing any partition information on your disk. A failure in changing partition data can make the machine unbootable.
{info:title=Note}Some operating systems such as RHEL 5 and Centos use a an older version of fdisk contained in the util-linux package, which does not include the ability to change the partition identifier. The util-linux package has been replaced in more updated operating systems with the util-linux-ng package. In these cases you would need to manually upgrade the fdisk utility.
fdisk> i (for create partition id)
# Enter in an arbitrary number.