Version 1 by Nata Ramanenka
on Jan 25, 2011 09:17.

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Version 2 by David Young
on Jan 27, 2011 11:56.

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h1. Error - Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Database Is Locked

User gets this error with CDP 3 Disk Safe stored on NFS:
{color:black}Setup is a CDP 3.8.2 on CentOS backing up to a NetApp SAN over NFS3.{color}
CDP 3.0 uses file locks on the block store to protect the block store form from another instance of CDP accidentally trying to open it. 

Resolution is starting {color:blue}nfslockon{color} {color:blue}nfslock{color} on the Linux NFS client where CDP Server is running.

To start {color:blue}nfslock{color}, run the following command:
/etc/init.d/nfslock start

See the "Linux NFS configuration services" article in [] for more information.
