Version 1 by Sasha Polonsky
on Jun 01, 2011 08:36.

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Version 2 by Sasha Polonsky
on Jun 01, 2011 08:47.

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The first thing you need to do is create a text file with valid control panel user accounts that you wish to grant access. I have named mine You can name this file /etc/r1user:
[root@cpanel buagent]# [root@plesk ~]# cat /etc/r1user
redhouse neo
tom trinity
Next, you need to edit the appropriate authentication script located in /usr/lib/buagent: /usr/sbin/r1soft/lib/controlpanel (authentication scripts end with
[root@cpanel buagent]# ls -lha | grep buagentauth
-rwxr-----  1 root root 1.1K Feb  4 13:37 buagentauth
-rwxr-----  1 root root 1.1K Feb  4 13:37 buagentauth.cpanel
-rwxr-----  1 root root 2.3K Feb  4 13:37 buagentauth.directadmin
-rwxr-----  1 root root 1.6K Feb  4 13:37 buagentauth.ensim
-rwxrw----  1 root root 2.3K Mar 20 17:26 buagentauth.plesk
[root@plesk ~]# ls -l /usr/sbin/r1soft/lib/controlpanel
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1806 Apr 13 17:46
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1030 Apr 13 17:46
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 966 Apr 13 17:46
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3138 May 30 14:24
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2676 Apr 13 17:46
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 930 Apr 13 17:46
Next, create an array and load the text file (/etc/r1user) you just created into the array:

@userdb = <USERDB>;
Next, you need to create a variable which reflect the r1users privilege to access backups ($r1user_ref). Then we use a 'foreach' with an if statement to check whether the $user is in the array:
Next, you need to create a variable which reflect the r1users privilege to access backups ($r1user_ref) and use a 'foreach' loop to check whether the $user is in the array.
my $r1user_ref = 0;
If the $user account is in the @userdb array, then $r1user_ref is set to '1'. The last thing we need to do is add an authentication condition to the following line:
If the $user account is in the @userdb array, then $r1user_ref is set to '1'. The last thing is to put all this code together and insert it into appropriate place of the authentication script. For the changes should look like this:

if ($auth_ref->{auth_ok} == 1)
my $user = <>;
my $pass = <>;
my $auth_ref = BuagentAuth::auth($user, $pass);
print "auth_ok:" . $auth_ref->{auth_ok} . "\n";
if ($auth_ref->{auth_ok} == 0) { exit; }

if ($auth_ref->{auth_ok} == 1 && $r1user_ref == 1)
my $user = <>;
my $pass = <>;

my @userdb;
open(USERDB, '/etc/r1user') or die "Couldn't open location file: $!";
@userdb = <USERDB>;

my $r1user_ref = 0;
my $t;
foreach $t (@userdb){
if ($t =~ $user) {
$r1user_ref = 1;

if ($r1user_ref != 1) {
print "auth_ok:0\n";

my $auth_ref = BuagentAuth::auth($user, $pass);
print "auth_ok:" . $auth_ref->{auth_ok} . "\n";
if ($auth_ref->{auth_ok} == 0) { exit; }
If the user account is in /etc/r1user the specified user will have access to their backups. In not, they will see no recovery points in the be denied access to CDP web interface.