Version 1 by Irina Gruzdilovich
on Jun 06, 2011 05:34.

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Version 2 by Nata Ramanenka
on Jun 06, 2011 07:03.

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h2. Question

When I run a backup, CDP server backs up the entire disk or partition. Is there a way to back up only certain files or folders on a disk or partition?

h2. Answer

CDP is more technically called asynchronous replication. It is replicating your file system at the block-level in a way that only the changes between recovery points are copied. And those changes are usually known ahead of time making backup windows very short.

If you are using a CDP 3 product edition you can EXCLUDE *exclude* selected files and folders from the replication. See [Excluding Files and Folders|] (CDP 3.0 Documentation).