Version 1 by Raymond Chow
on Apr 05, 2012 11:26.

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h2. Question

Does CDP Server support GPT partitions and how would I go about performing a Bare Metal Restore?

h2. Solution

There are two types of partition tables. Master Boot Record (MBR) and GUID Partition Tables (GPT).

We do CDP does support protecting file systems on both MBR and GPT.

You can replicate file systems on GPT partitions, BMR file systems on GPT file systems, and restore files from file systems on GPT.

What we do not currently do for GPT that we do for MBR type partition tables is the automatic re-creation of the partition table itself. Meaning that the partition table must be re-created by the admin using common utilities before performing a file system BMR or image restore. We have plans to add support for the automatic re-creation of GPT partition tables in the future, at this time there is no release or time frame on when that would be available. The following article should be helpful in manual recreation of GPT partition table. R1Soft BMR LiveCD does include the 'parted' utility.

root@r1soft-recovery:~# parted
GNU Parted 2.3
Using /dev/sda
Welcome to GNU Parted\! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.