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Current by Nata Ramanenka
on Oct 30, 2012 08:54.

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The buttons allow work with one or several items selected in the "Agents" list.
- *Bulk Edit* \- Allows you to edit the properties of several selected Agents at once. The items can be selected by checking the appropriate checkboxes. See [Changing Agents].
- *Delete Selected* \- Once one or several closed Agents are checked in the list, this button allows you to remove the selected Agents from the system. See [Deleting Agents|].

h4. Pages Navigation
The buttons allow work with one or several items selected in the "Agents" list.
- *Bulk Edit* \- Allows you to edit the properties of several selected Agents at once. The items can be selected by checking the appropriate checkboxes. See [Changing Agents].
- *Delete Selected* \- Once one or several closed Agents are checked in the list, this button allows you to remove the selected Agents from the system. See [Deleting Agents|].

h4. Pages Navigation