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log4j.rootLogger=INFO, LOGFILE {code}
h4. {color:#000000}{+}To redirect server.log output to{+}{color} {color:#000000}{*}{+}ONLY{+}{*}{color} {color:#000000}{+}syslog{+}{color} to{color} {color:#000000}{*}ONLY{*}{color} {color:#000000}syslog{color} {color:#000000}, set the log destination options like this example, in log4j.properties:{color}
{code}# 3 defined output destination for logs are console, log file and unix syslog. Appenders for 3 have been defined as
# STDOUT, LOGFILE and SYSLOG. Logging to log file is enabled by default.
# STDOUT, LOGFILE and SYSLOG. Logging to log file is enabled by default.

{color:#000000}Save and exit the file, and restart the Backup Manager service.{color}
h4. {color:#000000}To redirect server.log output to{color} {color:#000000}{*}BOTH server.log and{*}{color}{color:#000000}* *{color}{color:#000000}{+}syslog{+}{color} and{*}{color}{color:#000000}* *{color}{color:#000000}syslog{color} {color:#000000}, set the log destination options like this example, in log4j.properties:{color}
{code}# 3 defined output destination for logs are console, log file and unix syslog. Appenders for 3 have been defined as
# STDOUT, LOGFILE and SYSLOG. Logging to log file is enabled by default.
# STDOUT, LOGFILE and SYSLOG. Logging to log file is enabled by default.