Version 2 by Sagar
on May 22, 2023 11:52.

compared with
Version 3 by Sagar
on May 22, 2023 11:53.

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Changes (1)

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* {color:#172b4d}Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 users may notice that Virtuozzo virtual machines are not detected as devices in the Disk Safe wizard. The VMs are backed up. If you need granular file restore for a VM, you can back up the PCS VM by installing a Server Backup Agent in the VM guest operating system.{color}
* {color:#172b4d}Virtuozzo users may notice that when some containers are downloaded, the compressed file does not contain the first and last container listed in the recovery points.{color}

*Note*: \\

1.      Data Center Console (DCC) is not supported with SBM v6.18. So, any customers actively using DCC should accordingly plan and upgrade only those versions of SBMs that they can independently manage. We have already announced End of Life for DCC with SBM v6.16.2 release in March 2022.

Site to Site replication requires both the SBMs to be on the same version.