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Current by Maria Revtovich
on Aug 10, 2012 06:59.

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Changes (1)

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** *Begin* \- Select the first date in the date range. Use the pull-down calendar or type in the required date. The Policies that started on this date and after will be displayed. Example: {color:blue}Nov 27, 2010{color}.
** *End* \- Select the last date in the date range. Use the pull-down calendar or type in the required date. The Policies that started on this date and before it will be displayed. Example: {color:blue}Nov 29, 2010{color}.
* *Last *Next Run Time -* Select this check-box to display Policies on the basis of the scheduled date of the next running. 
** *Begin* \- Select the first time in the time range. Use the pull-down calendar or type in the required date. The Policies started at this time and after it will be displayed. Example: {color:blue}Nov 27, 2010{color}.
** *End* \- Select the last time in the time range. Use the pull-down calendar or type in the required date. The Policies started at this time and before it will be displayed. Example: {color:blue}Nov 27, 2010{color}.