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\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to enable the Database Add-On for an Agent.{excerpt}
Enabling the Databases Add-on makes possible the protection of one or more SQL, MySQL, and Exchange databases on the server where the Agent is installed.
You can enable the Databases Add-on while [adding the agent to the system|Adding the Agent to the CDP Server] or for already created Agents. See [Changing Agents].
h3. Enabling the Database Add-On for New Agent
Follow the instructions below to enable the Databases Add-On in the "Create New Agent" window in your CDP Service Provider (Enterprise) Edition.
1. Click on "Agents" in the Main Menu to access the "Agents" page.
2. Then click "Create New Agent" in the Agents menu located in the top left area.
3. When the "Create New Agent" page loads, you will be able to set the agent options. They are described in [Adding the Agent to the CDP Server].
4. Select the "Enable database add-on" checkbox.
!Create New Agent window_English.png!
5. Click "Create."
6. The "Database Add-on" icon will appear in the "Add-ons" column for this Agent in the Agents list.
h3. Enabling the Database Add-On for Existing Agent
Follow the instructions below to enable the Databases Add-On in the "Edit Agent" window in your CDP Service Provider (Enterprise) Edition.
1. Click on "Agents" in the Main Menu to access the "Agents" page.
2. The "Agents" page will list all existing CDP Agents.
{info:title=Tip}To find an Agent, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [Customizing the Agents List].
To change the existing Agent properties, click on the "Edit" icon under the "Actions" column for the corresponding Agent in the list.
3. Select the "Enable database add-on" checkbox.
!Edit Agent window_English.png!
4. Once you have finished editing, click on the "Save" button.
5. The "Database Add-on" icon will appear in the "Add-ons" column for this Agent in the Agents list.
The following steps are described in:
* [Installing the MySQL Connector JDBC into CDP3 Server]
* [Adding a MySQL Instance to a Policy]
SQL Server:
* [Configuring MS SQL Server Replication]
* [CDP:Configuring an Exchange Instance]
\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to enable the Database Add-On for an Agent.{excerpt}{newversion}