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h4. Volumes
Shows the list of Vvolumes assigned to the Ggroup. See [Manage volumes].

h4. Servers
Shows the list of Sservers assigned to the selected Ggroup. See [Manage servers].
Group's permissions are displayed for every Sserver. Each permission is presented as an icon. All possible permissions are listed in the following table.
|| Icon || Description ||
| !agent settings icon.png! | Can edit the Sserver settings |
| !ds-agent-icon.png! | Can manipulate Disk Safes for the Server |
| !ds-agent-icon.png! | Can manipulate disk safes for the server |
| !policies-agent-icon.png! | Can manipulate policies for the Sserver |
| !rp-agent-icon.png! | Can restore files from the Server's Recovery Points server recovery points |
| !browse-rp-agent-icon.png! | Can browse Server's Recovery Points the server recovery points (read-only) |
| !users-agent-icon.png! | Can edit Server's Users the server users |
| !history-icon.png! | Can view Server's Tasks the server tasks in the Task History console |
{info:title=Note}Using the "Detail" icon !detail-icon.png! in the "Details" pane you can see the corresponding object detailed information in view mode.
{info:title=Note}The Detail icon !detail-icon.png! in the Details pane allows you to view detailed information in view mode for the corresponding object.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to access and use the "Groups" screen in the Server Backup interface.{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to access and use the Groups view in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}