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Each replication creates a point-in-time image of the [device|Manage devices]. This image is called a [recovery point|Manage recovery points]. Server Backup Manager users the block deltas database to map the block versions and recovery points. This database is a called a *disk safe*. *Disk Safe*. the following image illustrates the information within a disk safe. Disk Safe.


SBM uses a disk safe Disk Safe to keep and arrange the pieces of replicated information. You can define a disk safe Disk Safe as a container for the data necessary for a restore. You can restore from any available recovery point in any disk safe. Disk Safe.

Disk sSafes have one or more assigned *devices* selected for backup. Note that you can assign one device to multiple disk safes. Disk Safes.
{note:title=Notice}You cannot start backing up a device until there is a disk safe Disk Safe to which you can back up this device.
To run a replication, you need to associate a *data protection policy* with your disk safe. Disk Safe. The policy backs up devices associated with the disk safe. Disk Safe. If there are items you do not want to include in the replication, you can exclude selected files and folders from the replication when defining the policy properties.

On a physical level, a disk safe is Disk Safe is a directory containing the following files and folders:
* {{.db}} file
* {{.db-journal}} file
* {{metadata}} folder

h5. Properties of a disk safe Disk Safe

Disk sSafes have the following properties, which you define when creating the disk safe: Disk Safe:
* *Identification*. A unique name that distinguishes this specific disk safe in Disk Safe in a list and while defining policies.
* *Disk Safe Location*. The physical location where the disk safe is Disk Safe is saved.
* *Devices*. A list of devices associated with this disk safe. Disk Safe. Server Backup Manager automatically identifies and adds all devices during disk safe creation. Disk Safe creation. You can also manually add one or more hard disks, partitions, and other volumes of a server where file systems are mounted as devices.
* *Compression Type*. Type of data compression used on this disk safe. Disk Safe. Compressing data helps reduce the consumption of hard disk space or transmission bandwidth.
* *Encryption*. Type of data encryption used on this disk safe. Disk Safe. Encryption helps to protect your disk safe data Disk Safe data from unauthorized access. When using encryption, your data is converted to cipher text.

Use the Server Backup Manager Web interface to change these characteristics for an existing disk safe, Disk Safe, with the exception of *Disk Safe Location*, *Encryption*, and *Deduplication*.

The following additional properties are available for existing disk safes: Disk Safes:
* *State*
* *Recovery Points*
* *On Disk Size*

h5. States of a disk safe Disk Safe

Disk sSafes exist in one of the following states:
* *Opened*. An *Opened* disk safe *Opened* Disk Safe allows you to associate tasks including *Backup with opened Disk Safes*, and browse the recovery points of a task.
* *Closed*. A *Closed* disk safe *Closed* Disk Safe prevents any tasks associated with it from running. You also cannot browse the recovery points contained within the disk safe. Disk Safe.

h5. Available disk safe Disk Safe tasks

The following actions are available with any disk safe: Disk Safe:

* [Copy a disk safe from one Backup Manager to another|ServerBackup:Copy or move disk safes]
* [Copy a disk safe across Windows/Linux platforms|ServerBackup:Copy or move disk safes]
{info:title=Tip}You can move a disk safe using Disk Safe using a tool like Windows Explorer drag-and-drop, {{scp}}, {{xcopy}}, {{ftp}}, etc.


{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to manage your disk safes Disk Safes in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}