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Version 3 by Nathan McCoy
on Mar 31, 2017 16:21.

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{code}nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo {code}


2. Insert the following text into the file and save the file:

{note:title=Tip}{{$basearch}} is a Yum variable, i.e., the base architecture (32-bit, 64-bit, etc.).{note}


3. To verify what is written to the file, use the following command:

{code}cat /etc/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo {code}


h4. 1.2 Install the package

{code}yum install serverbackup-enterprise{code}


2. Then, enter "y" to install all the dependencies of the package.


3. Once complete, you can use the help command to list all available options:

{code}serverbackup-setup --help{code}


4. Now, proceed to the [Step 3|#login]. 3|].
h3. 2. Install the Server Backup Manager manually using rpm


If it returns the following output, you need to install the *unzip* utility first:

{code}yum install unzip{code}


h4. 2.3 Extract the ZIP file

{code}cd serverbackup{code}
4. Use the {{unzip}} command to extract the files.
{code}cd enterprise-manager-rpm/{code}


h4. 2.4 Install the packages

Use '/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart' to restart.{code}


To restart the Server Backup Manager run the following command:

!server-restart.png! {code}

/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart


2. *Configure Ports* if necessary.

{code}serverbackup-setup --http-port 8080 --https-port 8443{code}

{info:title=Note}You may need to change the firewall rules, depending on where you are connecting to the Web Interface from.
You may need to change the firewall rules, depending on the location from which you are connecting to the Web Interface.

{code}/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart{code}


You should now be able to connect to the Server Backup Manager Web interface using Firefox or Internet Explorer. See [Access Server Backup Manager web interface].