Version 1 by Nathan McCoy
on Jul 08, 2016 17:05.

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Version 2 by Nathan McCoy
on Apr 05, 2017 12:06.

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{code}echo deb stable main >> /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-key add r1soft.asc{code}
# Run the following command:
{code}apt-get update{code}
# Once the APT repository is configured, you can use the following command to install the Backup Agent:
{code}apt-get install serverbackup-enterprise-agent{code}

h2. Option 2 - Install the Backup Agent using DPKG



If it returns nothing, install the *unzip* utility first.

{code}apt-get install unzip{code}

h3. Extract the Zip file


h3. Install the packages

* {{serverbackup-async-agent-2-6}}

You must install all of the previous folders in one step. Use the {{cd}} command to go to the folder with the packages (in our case, "*cd deb-linux64*"), and then run the following command:

{code}dpkg -i *.deb{code}


h3. Install Server Backup Linux device driver

{code}serverbackup-setup --test-connection{code}


h4. 2. Install kernel sources

If you are using an unmodified kernel provided by Ubuntu installer, install the kernel-devel package:
{code}apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`{code}


In the recent versions of Ubuntu Server the correct version of Linux-headers is probably already installed, so you don't have to install it.
{code}serverbackup-setup --get-module{code}

If the module is compiled and installed successfully, the system displays output similar to the following:

If module is compiled and installed successfully, the system displays output similar to the following:

{code}Saving kernel module to '/lib/modules/r1soft/hcpdriver-cki-3.2.0-29-generic.ko'
Kernel module is now installed.
If there is no direct Internet connection between your Server Backup Manager and R1Soft build server, it is still possible to compile the kernel module. In this case:
# Create tarball file with the kernel headers.
# Copy this tarball file from the server to some other computer which has an Internet connection to R1Soft build server.
# From this computer, upload the tarball to the R1Soft build server, and then wait for the compilation to finish.
# When compilation is finished, download binary module, and then copy it back to the Backup Agent machine. Start by executing the following command:
visit to do an offline module build
After it is complete, you will need to copy the module to /lib/modules/r1soft{code}

h4. 5. Last steps
* Restart the Backup Agent ({{/etc/init.d/cdp-agent restart}}).


{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to install the Backup Agent on Debian and Ubuntu.{excerpt}