Version 1 by Nathan McCoy
on Jul 08, 2016 17:05.

compared with
Version 2 by Nathan McCoy
on Apr 05, 2017 17:31.

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{code}ps ax | egrep –i c[d]p
2. Proceed with the upgrade:
{code}yum update {code}


Confirm your request by entering "y":


{code}yum install serverbackup-enterprise-agent{code}


Enter "y" to confirm the command.


3. Start the new Server Backup Agent:


To verify the most recent version of the Agent is running, run the following command:

{code}egrep "Agent Version|Starting" /usr/sbin/r1soft/log/cdp.log | tail -n2{code}


To upgrade Linux Backup Agent to version 5.x, perform the following steps.


2. Then manually restart the new Backup Agent by executing the following command:

{code}rpm -qa | grep serverbackup{code}


{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to upgrade the Backup Agent on CentOS, RHE, and Fedora.{excerpt}