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Archive is a licensed feature introduced with the Server Backup Manager 6.4 release, contact R1Soft for help upgrading your current license to include Archive.
Off site backups are considered a best practice and provide the ability to quickly recover from a disaster, even when the entire site is lost.  Corporate and regulatory requirements may require the *archiving* of data at certain intervals. For example, monthly or annually. In addition to your regular backups, Server Backup allows you to create archives of recovery point snapshots via AWS Glacier, AWS S3, IBM Cloud Object Storage, Wasabi Cloud Storage, or FTP(S) with a separate retention policy.
{color:#000000}Archive extends R1Soft SBM with low-cost off-site backup and archival options.{color}

h3. Keep Your Data Safe

Each Policy may have the Archive enabled and configured in accordance with your retention requirements. According to these options, an *Archive* is created once the policy runs. Archiving can be configured to snapshot on daily, weekly, or monthly schedule.   You can also choose any recovery point from the Recovery Points screen and send it to archive.
{color:#000000}Secure off-site backups are considered a best practice to protect your data from natural disaster, malware, and malicious acts.  {color}
* {color:#000000}Offsite backups allow recovery even if the site has been destroyed.{color}
* {color:#000000}Corporate and regulatory requirements require the archival of important data which must be retained for years, sometimes decades\!{color}
* {color:#000000}Media assets, scientific data, and other intellectual property must be backed up and preserved for the long term.  {color}

{color:#000000}With Archive, you can expand your backup policy to create and manage off-site recovery point snapshots on a variety of cloud and hosted storage options.       {color}

{color:#000000}You can also archive any existing recovery point from your existing backups using the SBM user interface.{color}

h3. Deployment Options

{color:#000000}Archive leverages the economics of highly durable hyperscale public cloud storage with the simplicity of R1Soft Server Backup Manager. Deployment options include:{color}
* {color:#000000}Amazon Glacier{color} {color:#000000}for inexpensive long term archival that meets compliance certifications.{color}
* {color:#000000}Amazon S3{color} {color:#000000}compatible storage options for offsite backups and/or archival, including{color} {color:#000000}{*}AWS S3{*}{color}{color:#000000},  {color}{color:#000000}{*}IBM Cloud Object Storage{*}{color}{color:#000000}, and{color} {color:#000000}{*}Wasabi cloud storage{*}{color}{color:#000000}.{color}
* {color:#000000}FTP(S){color} {color:#000000}allowing local or co-located storage options for backup replication and offsite backups.{color}

{color:#000000}{_}Contact R1Soft if you are interested in certifying your own S3 compatible storage solutio{_}{color}{color:#000000}n.{color}

Each backup Policy may have the Archive enabled and configured in accordance with your retention requirements. According to these options, an *Archive* is created once the policy runs. Archiving can be configured to snapshot on daily, weekly, or monthly schedule.   You can also choose any recovery point from the Recovery Points screen and send it to archive.

An Archive Point is a snapshot of a recovery point which is stored in another location for long-term data storage to provide further integrity and safe-keeping of data. The archive point can be copied to the local SBM and the copied recovery point supports all normal recovery point functionality. You can [browse|Browse archive points] and restore your files as well as perform a bare metal restore from an Archive.