compared with
Version 12 by Randy Bowie
on Mar 08, 2017 15:40.

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Changes (4)

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* When editing a Policy in DCC, the Recovery Point limit set at the Volume level can be exceeded. Volume objects must be refreshed in order to see the limit changes. This is done by refreshing SBM or by editing and re-saving the Volume.
* The Data Center Console does not automatically restart after a new Windows installation.
* The Data Center Console displays incorrect values in the *Compression Type* section of the Edit Disk Safe window after editing the values.
* Internet Explorer users who enable the Compatibility view may notice graphical display issues when attempting to view some Data Center Console pages, such as the Disk Usage, Volumes, and Policies pages. This issue does not occur in other Web browsers.
* Virtuozzo users may notice that when some containers are downloaded, the compressed file does not contain the first and last container listed in the recovery points.

h5. Changes to the SBM API
* The policy object now only contains configuration information. Use the Agent API to get the state of the machine.