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{info:title=Tip}You can fin the find information about Pooled Licensing [here|].


To transfer agents from Linux to Windows in the Pooled License:

1. Make sure that your license pool has been set up.

2. If your license pool has not been set up, you will need to contact your account manager and install the latest CDP Server (v. 2.14 or greater release. a later release).

h3. Step 1
h4. Step 3

You will be brought taken to an overview screen of for your license pool. Based on availability, you will be able to transfer agents from Linux to Windows or from Windows to Linux by clicking on the "Transfer" button.

!Licence Pools 3.png!
h4. Step 4

You will now be brought taken to the input entry form to change move your agents from/to the operating system of your choice. Enter the quantity of agents you need to transfer in the "Linux Agents" ofr "Windows Agents" field and click "Continue."

h4. Step 5

Once you have completed the input entry form you will be brought back to the overview screen that shows the change quantities. Here you will confirm your quantities have changed. In this example we transferred 3 (three) agents from Linux to Windows during this transfer.
Once you have completed the input entry form, you will be taken back to the overview screen that shows the changed quantities. Here, you will confirm the quantity changes. In the below example, we transferred 3 (three) agents from Linux to Windows.