Version 1 by Nata Ramanenka
on Mar 15, 2010 04:57.

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Version 2 by Pete Onni
on Mar 15, 2010 20:25.

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How can I contact R1Soft regarding an emergency issue?

h2. Solution
* *R1Soft Technical Support* is staffed 6 AM - Midnight CST/CDT (GMT-6) Monday - Friday
* *Live Chat Tech Support* on 6AM - 5PM CST/CDT (GMT-6) Monday - Friday
* Nights / Weekends support staff are on-call for restore "Restore" and system down "System Down" emergencies
* Telephone call-back for restore and system down emergencies
* Telephone call-back for "Restore" and "System Down" emergencies

h5. Down or restore emergencies
h5. System Down or Restore Emergencies

To get help after hours for system down "System Down" or restore "Restore" emergencies, use the online support portal at []. Create an issue type of "Restore Emergency" or set a priority of "System Down Emergency" on a tech support issue. And on-call support staff will automatically be paged after hours.