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Use the deleteVolume API to delete the entered volume.

########====CDP Server Configuration Start====######## #set CDP server host name $HOST=""; #set CDP server to access API $PORT="9443"; #set CDP user $USER="admin"; #set CDP user password $PASS="admin"; ########====CDP Server Configuration End====######## $VOLUMEID="317ffb06-abbc-4d77-957e-3eee5d9f9135"; //ID of the volume to delete #Delete the entered volume. try{ $client = new soapclient("https://$HOST:$PORT/Volume?wsdl", array('login'=>"$USER", 'password'=>"$PASS", 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, 'trace'=>1 ) ); $volume=$client->getVolumes() ; var_dump($volume); } catch (SoapFault $exception) { echo $exception; exit(1); } foreach($volume->return as $tmp) { if($tmp->id == $VOLUMEID) { $volume = $tmp; break; } } try{ $client = new soapclient("https://$HOST:$PORT/Volume?wsdl", array('login'=>"$USER", 'password'=>"$PASS", 'trace'=>1 ) ); $client->deleteVolume(array('volume'=>$volume)) ; echo "Successfully deleted volume: $VOLUMEID\n"; exit(0); } catch (SoapFault $exception) { echo $exception; echo(1); }

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