Label: l

Content with label l in CDP (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: bare-metal_restore, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition

Page: Bare-Metal Restore Device Auto-Mapping
New feature: Device AutoMapping New version 4.2.0 offers the capability to automap devices where this is possible. The following is a brief explanation of how it works: If "/dev/path" is found and it is a valid size, then it will be mapped. If "/dev/path" is not found and there is one device that is the same ...
Other labels: enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, bare-metal_restore
Page: Installing Agent on CentOS, RHE and Fedora
1. Installing Agent Using YUM 1.1 Configure YUM Repository YUM is the easiest way to keep programs uptodate on RedHatcompatible distributions. It downloads and installs the latest version of a program. You should configure the YUM repository to manage install and upgrades ...
Page: Launching Bare-Metal Restore
Follow the instructions below to start the BareMetal Restore of selected Recovery Points. The process is the same for all Boot methods: Live CD PXE Network Boot \\ 1. Click on "Recovery Points" in the Main Menu to open the "Recovery Points" screen. Enterprise ...
Other labels: enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, bare-metal_restore