Label: subuser

Content with label subuser in CDP (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: dcc

Page: DCC - Solved Issue with Sub-Users That Could Select Un-Assigned Agents
Subusers are able to create Policies for Agents they are not assigned to. (DCC is set to multitenant mode.) 1. Log on to the DCC console as the subuser. 2. Go to the "Policies" menu and create a new Policy. 3. Select the CDP server for the Agent with the subuser's permission. 4 ...
Other labels: dcc
Page: Solved Issue with Sub-Users' Permissions
Subusers with the following Agent permissions "Can Restore Files form Agent's Recovery Points" "Can Browse Agent's Recovery Points (Read Only)" can merge Recovery Points. The issue has been corrected in CDP 4.2.0. The "Edit Disk ...