Version 1 by Nata Ramanenka
on Aug 07, 2012 01:43.

compared with
Current by Shannon George
on Aug 07, 2012 17:46.

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Changes (5)

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If a new cPanel user is added, the {{/home}} folder is created for this user. Add a new user to the cPanel instance after the snapshot has been taken, but before the replication completes. The user now exists in the cPanel users list, but not in the Disk Safe. The result is This results in the following Aalert for the replication task:

{code}Failed to verify existence of directory '/home/cpaneluser' for control panel user 'cpaneluser' ('CPANEL')
com.r1soft.backup.server.disksafe.metadata.MetaDataException: Path not found ([home, cpaneluser])

When the replication completes and the snapshot is closed, the list of cPanel users is compared to the {{home}} directories in the Recovery Point. The new user exists in the cPanel user list, but not in the Recovery Point because it was added after the point-in-time when the snapshot was taken.


The issue has been corrected in CDP 4.2.0. A new logging feature called "Verification Log Level" was has been added under "Advanced Options" to change the logging level of these types of errors. If you constantly add cPanel users, set the log level to "Warning" or "None," so your tasks do not get alerts.