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See also:
* [View keys added to Linux Backup Agent]
* [View keys added to Linux Backup Agent]
* [Add the key to Linux Backup Agent]
* [Reset the public key]
* [Uninstall the key from Windows Backup Agent]\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}If you have previously allowed the Backup Manager to connect to your Backup Agent but you do not want to allow future requests, you will need to remove the Key. Instructions on how to delete the Manager Public Key from the Linux Backup Agent using CLI.{excerpt}
* [Uninstall the key from Windows Backup Agent]\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}If you have previously allowed the Backup Manager to connect to your Backup Agent but you do not want to allow future requests, you will need to remove the Key. Instructions on how to delete the Manager Public Key from the Linux Backup Agent using CLI.{excerpt}