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h3. \#cdp-agent

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{color:#fd4703}*\#cdp-agent{*}{color} is designed to start, restart, stop and view status of the CDP Agent. The command line options are described below.

h3. *Options*

There are five (5) options for the {color:#fd4703}{*}\#cdp-agent{*}{color} tool.
* *start* \- Starts the CDP Agent.
* *restart* \- If the CDP Agent is running, this command stops it and starts it again.
{info:title=Note}If buagent is not running, the command starts the CDP Agent.
* *stop* \- Stops the CDP Agent.
* *status* \- Displays status of the CDP Agent. For example, started.
* *help* (or *\-?*) - Displays the list of options with descriptions.

To see all of the options the {color:#fd4703}*\#cdp-agent{*}{color} supports, run the following command:
{code}/etc/init.d/cdp-agent help{code}


This command will display the following list of options:
{code}usage: /etc/init.d/cdp-agent (start|stop|restart|status|help)

start - start cdp
stop - stop cdp
restart - stop cdp if running then start again,
if cdp is not running it is started
status - print status
help - this screen{code}


See also:
* [Starting CDP Agent|Linux Agent CLI - Starting The Agent]
* [Restarting CDP Agent|Linux Agent CLI - Restarting The Agent]
* [Stopping CDP Agent|Linux Agent CLI - Stopping The Agent]
* [Viewing CDP Agent Status|Linux Agent CLI - Viewing Agent's Status]

{excerpt:hidden=true}Description of the cdp-agent tool.{excerpt}