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The uninstall program first stops the CDP Agent. You may be asked to confirm the file removals. Information about the uninstallation is displayed on the screen. To remove the entire R1Soft CDP Agent and all of its packages from your computer, follow the below steps.
{note:title=Notice}The uninstallation process is different depending on whether you use an *RPM/YUM* (_RHE/CentOS/Fedora/Suse/Mandriva_) or a *DEB/APT* (_Debian/Ubuntu_) Linux distribution.


h3. RPM/YUM-based Installations

Type the removal command and press <Enter>.

{code}rpm -e r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent r1soft-cdp-agent r1soft-cdp-async-agent-2-6 r1soft-setup{code}

!uninstalling agent 1.png|border=1!


{code}yum remove r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent r1soft-cdp-agent r1soft-cdp-async-agent-2-6 r1soft-setup{code}

!uninstalling agent 2.png|border=1!

Enter "Y" and press <Enter> to confirm the uninstallation.

!uninstalling agent 3.png|border=1!

h3. DEB/APT-based Installations

Type the removal command and press <Enter>.

{code}apt-get remove r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent r1soft-cdp-agent r1soft-cdp-async-agent-2-6 r1soft-setup{code}

Enter "Y" and press <Enter> to confirm the uninstallation.
{info:title=Tip}"Yes" is the default answer. To select it, press <Enter>.
!uninstalling agent 4.png|border=1!


{code}aptitude remove r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent r1soft-cdp-agent r1soft-cdp-async-agent-2-6 r1soft-setup{code}

!uninstalling agent 5.png|border=1!


{code}dpkg -r r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent r1soft-cdp-agent r1soft-cdp-async-agent-2-6 r1soft-setup{code}

!uninstalling agent 6.png|border=1!

To delete all archives and configurations:

Substitute "purge" for "remove."

!uninstalling agent 7.png|border=1!

_Or_ " {color:blue}\-P{color} " for " {color:blue}\-r{color} " in the *dpkg* command.

!uninstalling agent 8.png|border=1!

{info:title=Note}None of the above commands remove the {color:blue}/usr/sbin/r1soft/conf{color} directory. It remains in the system for future use. If necessary, you can delete it manually as shown in the following screenshot, using the "{color:blue}rm \-rf{color}" command.

!uninstalling agent 9.png|border=1!

Once the uninstallation process is complete, the R1Soft CDP Agent full stack of installed packages is removed from your computer.

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to uninstall the Linux CDP Agent. {excerpt}