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To download the Data Center Console for Windows, perform the following steps:

1. Click [here|] to access the page where you can download the latest edition of Data Center Console for Windows. Choose the link with the latest version's number - it should be at the page's very bottom.

2. On the page that opens, click the ** link to start the download process.


Instead of "X" symbol there will be a specific number changing after a new version's release.


For example, it should be looking like this:

!DCC link.png!

{info:title=Note}There are no 32-bit installers for Data Center Console, only 64-bit ones.
3. The following product should be downloaded:
* File name:
* File size: 310 MB

After the download is complete, proceed to the next step: [Installing Data Center Console on Windows].{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to download the Data Center Console for Windows. {excerpt}