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For security reasons, CDP Agent accepts connections only from known CDP Servers. If you have previously allowed a CDP Server to connect to your CDP Agent but later decided not to allow future requests, you have to remove the Server Key.

To delete the Server Public Key from Agent's configuration using CLI, follow the instructions below.
{info:title=Note}After removing the Server Key, your Agent becomes unavailable for the CDP Server.
1. On the Linux Agent machine, run the command:
{code}#r1soft-setup --remove-key [Server_IP]{code}

To remove the Key of a Server with IP address from the Agent's database, run the command {color:blue}

{code}#r1soft-setup \--remove-key{code}

See also:
* [Viewing Server Keys Installed on Linux Agent]
* [Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [Resetting Public Key]
* [Uninstall the Server Key from Windows Agent]\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}If you have previously allowed a CDP Server to connect to your CDP Agent but you do not want to allow future requests, you will need to remove the Server Key. Instructions on how to delete the Server Public Key from Linux Agent using CLI.{excerpt}