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h2. Preparation and installation

* [What are the major functions and features of Server Backup Manager?|Server Backup Manager]
* [What are the Server Backup Manager system requirements?|Server Backup Manager System Requirements]

h5. Server Backup Manager Linux users

* [How do I obtain Server Backup Manager?|Obtain Linux Backup Manager]
* [How do I install Server Backup Manager?|Install Server Backup Manager on Linux]
* [How do I configure Server Backup Manager after installation?|Configure Server Backup Manager on Linux]
* [How do I install the Backup Agent?|Install Backup Agent on Linux]
* [How do I upgrade Server Backup Manager?|Upgrade Server Backup Manager for Linux]
* [How do I upgrade the Backup Agent? |Upgrade Backup Agent for Linux]

h5. Server Backup Manager Windows users

* [How do I determine if my Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit (x86 or x64)?|Check Windows bit version]
* [How do I obtain the Server Backup Manager?|Obtain Windows Backup Manager]
* [How do I obtain the Backup Agent?|Obtain Windows Backup Agent]
* [How do I install Server Backup Manager?|Install Server Backup Manager on Windows manually]
* [How do I install the Backup Agent?|Install Backup Agent on Windows]
* [How do I configure Server Backup Manager after installation?|Configure Server Backup Manager on Windows]
* [How do I upgrade Server Backup Manager?|Upgrade Server Backup Manager for Windows]
* [How do I upgrade the Backup Agent?|Upgrade Backup Agent on Windows]



h2. Get started

* [How do I add users?|Add users]
* [How do I add user groups?|Add groups]
* [How do I create volumes?|Create volumes]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Create Disk Safes]
* [How do I add a server to the Backup Manager?|Add servers to Backup Manager]
* [How do I add the manager key to a Linux Backup Agent?|Add key to Linux Backup Agent]
* [How do I add the manager key to a Windows Backup Agent?|Add the key to Windows Backup Agent]
* [How do I create policies?|Create policies]

h5. Server Backup Manager users

* [How do I access the Server Backup Manager Web interface?|Access Server Backup Manager Web interface]
* [How do I activate Server Backup Manager?|Activate Server Backup Manager]
* [How do I access the Dashboard?|Use Server Backup Manager Dashboard]



h2. Users and groups

* [What should I know about users and user groups?|Manage users and groups]
* [How do I add users in the Backup Manager interface?|Add users]
* [How do I add users in Windows Backup Manager Configuration Utility?|Set up users]
* [How do I add users using Linux API?|Set up users]
* [How do I access users?|Access users]
* [How do I change user password in the Backup Manager interface?|Change a user account password]
* [How do I change user password in Windows Backup Manager Configuration Utility?|Set up users]
* [How do I edit user properties?|Edit user account properties]
* [How can I add an administrator for a user? |Add an administrator for a user account]
* [How can I change the user email address? |Change user email account properties]
* [How do I change the administrator login name and password?|Configure user options]
* [How do I change the Windows user to run the Backup Manager as?|Configure "Run Service As" account]
* [How do I delete users?|Delete users]
* [How do I use the Users list?|Access users]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Users list?|Customize the Users list]
* [How do I add user groups?|Add groups]
* [How do I access user groups?|Access groups]
* [How do I edit group properties?|Edit group properties]
* [How do I delete groups?|Delete groups]
* [How do I use the Groups list?|Access groups]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Groups list?|Customize the Groups list]


h2. Servers

* [What should I know about servers?|Manage servers]
* [How do I access servers?|Access servers]
* [How do I add a server to the Backup Manager?|Add servers to Backup Manager]
* [How do I add the manager key to a Linux Backup Agent?|Add key to Linux Backup Agent]
* [How do I add the manager key to a Windows Backup Agent?|Add the key to Windows Backup Agent]
* [How do I change server properties?|Edit server properties]
* [How do I delete a server?|Delete servers]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Servers list?|Customize the Servers list]


h2. Disk safes

* [What should I know about Disk Safes?|Manage Disk Safes]
* [Do you have examples of Disk Safe usage?|Use Disk Safe best practices]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Create Disk Safes]
* [How do I access Disk Safes?|Access Disk Safes]
* [How do I edit Disk Safes?|Edit Disk Safes]
* [How do I close Disk Safes?|Close Disk Safes]
* [How do I open Disk Safes?|Attach Disk Safes]
* [How do I remove Disk Safes?|Detach Disk Safes]
* [How do I delete Disk Safes?|Delete Disk Safes]
* [How do I copy and move Disk Safes?|Copy or move Disk Safes]
* [How do I vacuum Disk Safes?|Vacuum Disk Safes]
* [How do I store Disk Safe on disk-based storage and network shares?|Store Disk Safes on a Windows network share]
* [How do I use the Disk Safes list?|Access Disk Safes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Disk Safes list?|Customize the Disk Safes list]


h2. Volumes

* [What should I know about volumes?|Manage volumes]
* [How do I create volumes?|Create volumes]
* [How do I access volumes?|Access volumes]
* [How do I change volumes?|Edit volumes]
* [How do I assign users and groups to a volume?|Assign users and groups to volumes]
* [How do I delete volumes?|Delete volumes]
* [How do I import existing volumes?|Import existing volumes]
* [How do I use the Volumes list?|Access volumes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Volumes list?|Customize the Volumes list]


h2. Devices

* [What should I know about devices?|Manage devices]
* [How do I add devices?|Add devices]
* [How do I access devices?|Access devices]
* [How do I disable devices?|Disable devices]
* [How do I remove devices?|Remove devices]



h2. Policies

* [What should I know about policies?|Manage policies]
* [How do I create policies?|Create policies]
* [How do I access policies?|Access policies]
* [How do I edit policies?|Edit policies]
* [How do I disable policies?|Disable policies]
* [How do I exclude files and folders from a replication?|Exclude files and folders]
* [How do I delete policies?|Delete policies]
* [How do I run policies?|Run policies]
* [How do I use the Policies list?|Access policies]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Policies list?|Customize the Policies list]


h2. Recovery points

* [What should I know about recovery points?|Manage recovery points]
* [How do I access recovery points?|Access recovery points]
* [How do I browse recovery points?|Browse recovery points]
* [How do I lock recovery points?|Lock recovery points]
* [How do I merge/delete recovery points?|Merge recovery points]
* [How do I restore or export data from recovery points?|Restore files]
* [How do I use the Recovery Points list?|Access recovery points]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Recovery Points list?|Customize the Recovery Points list]


h2. Archiving

* [What should I know about archiving?|Manage archiving]
* [How do I create archiving policy?|Create archiving policies]
* [How do I schedule archiving?|Define the archive schedule]
* [How do I access archive points?|Access archive points]
* [How do I customize the Archive Points list?|Customize the Archive Points list]
* [How do I browse through files and folders in archive points?|Browse archive points]
* [How do I restore from archive points?|Restore from archive points]
* [How do I store archive points?|Store archives]
* [How do I restore my system configuration from archive points?|Perform a bare-metal restore of archive points]


h2. Task history

* [How do I access running and finished tasks?|Access task history]
* [How do I cancel tasks?|Cancel tasks]
* [How do I view the task summary?|View task summary]
* [How do I view task alerts?|View alerts]
* [How do I view log messages?|View log messages]
* [How do I download task details?|Download task details]
* [How do I use the Task Scheduler?|Access Task Scheduler]
* [How do I use the Task History list?|Access task history]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the Task History list?|Customize the Task History list]


h2. Replicate and restore

* [How do I create a replication schedule?|Create policies]
* [How do I start a replication?|Run policies]
* [How do I browse replicas?|Browse recovery points]
* [How do I restore files and folders?|Restore files]
* [How do I run bare-metal restore?|Launch a bare-metal restore]
* [How do I restore a MySQL database?|Restore a MySQL database to the original location]
* [How do I check the restore results?|View task summary]


h2. Reporting

* [How do I access running and finished reports?|Access reporting]
* [How do I create a new report?|Schedule email reporting]
* [How do I edit a report?|Change report properties]
* [How do I delete a report?|Delete reports]
* [How do I disable a report?|Disable reports]
* [How do I preview a report?|Preview reports]
* [How do I run a report?|Generate reports]


h2. Databases add-on

* [How do I configure database (MySQL) add-on options?|Install MySQL Connector JDBC into Server Backup]
* [How do I add a MySQL instance to the policy?|Add a MySQL instance to a policy]
* [How do I edit a MySQL instance?|Edit a MySQL instance]
* [How do I enable/disable a MySQL instance?|Enable and disable a MySQL instance]
* [How do I test a MySQL instance connection?|Test MySQL instance connection]
* [How do I delete a MySQL instance?|Delete a MySQL instance]
* [How do I browse a MySQl instance?|Browse MySQL instances]
* [How do I restore a MySQL database?|Restore a MySQL database to the original location]
* [How do I restore a MySQL database to an alternate location?|Restore a MySQL database to an alternate location]


h2. Hosting control panels

* [What should I know about hosting control panels?|Hosting control panels]
* [What should I know about Backup Manager for hosting control panels?|Backup Manager for hosting control panel end-users]
* [What is the frequency of control panel backups?|Backup Manager for hosting control panel end-users]
* [What is a recovery point?|Backup Manager for hosting control panel end-users]
* [How do I schedule a control panel replication?|Schedule control panel replication]
* [How do I add control panel instances?|Add control panel instance]
* [How do I edit control panel instances?|Edit control panel instance]
* [How do I enable control panel instances?|Disable and enable control panel instance]
* [How do I verify control panel instances?|Verify control panel instance]
* [How do I delete control panel instances?|Delete control panel instance]
* [How do I access a control panel account backup?|Access control panel account backups]
* [How do I access control panel account backups via Direct Link?|Access account backups via Direct Link]
* [How do I access control panel account backups in cPanel?|Access account backups via cPanel plugin]
* [How do I restore user data?|Send control panel account backup to Control Panel Home]
* [How do I download user data?|Download control panel user data as an archive]
* [Where do I get user data archives?|Get the URL to Backup Manager for control panel users]
* [How do I access an account backup?|Access account backups via cPanel plugin]
* [How do I restore my user data?|Restore a control panel account]
* [How do I download an account backup?|Restore a control panel account]




h2. Data Center Console

* [What are the prerequisites for installing the Data Center Console?|DCC installation prerequisites]
* [How do I obtain Data Center Console?|Obtain Data Center Console]
* [How can I install the Data Center Console on Windows?|Install Data Center Console on Windows]
* [How can I install the Data Center Console on Linux?|Install Data Center Console on Linux]
* [How can I uninstall the Data Center Console on Windows?|Uninstall Data Center Console on Windows]
* [How can I uninstall the Data Center Console on Linux?|Uninstall Data Center Console on Linux]
* [How do I access Data Center Console Web interface?|Access DCC Web interface]
* [How do I use Data Center Console dashboard?|Use Data Center Console Dashboard]
* [How do I access Backup Managers?|Access Backup Managers in DCC]
* [How can I add Backup Managers to Data Center Console?|Add Backup Managers to DCC]
* [How can I add permissions to Data Center Console groups?|Edit DCC group permissions]
* [How can I add permissions to Data Center Console users?|Edit DCC user permissions]
* [How can I create Data Center Console groups?|Add DCC groups]
* [How can I create Data Center Console users?|Add DCC users]
* [How can I add Servers?|Add servers to DCC]
* [How can I view Servers?|Monitor servers in DCC]
* [How can I view Disk Safes?|Monitor Disk Safes in DCC]
* [How can I create Disk Safes?|Create Disk Safes in DCC]
* [How can I view my Disk Safes?|Monitor Disk Safes in DCC]
* [How can I view Disk Usage?|Monitor disk usage in DCC]
* [How can I view Policies?|Monitor policies in DCC]
* [How can I create Volumes?|Create volumes in DCC]
* [How can I view Volumes?|Monitor volumes in DCC]
* [How do I configure Data Center Console?|Configure Data Center Console]



h2. API

* [How do I configure API server options?|Configure API Server Options]
* [How do I access API documentation? |Access API documentation]
A list of common questions for Server Backup products.