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Server Backup 5.4.x and newer users can manage Backup Agent configuration options directly from Backup Manager. You can change some options without needing to restart the Agent process to submit the changes. The available configuration options include:

|| Option Name || Config File Option Name || Default Value || Description || Requires Restart? ||
| *Bind Address* | *BindTo* | | Set the IP address that you want the agent to use to listen for network requests. Use the format The default address allows connections to any IP address configured on the server. | Yes |
| *Port Number* | *LocalPort* | 1167 | Set the port that you want the agent to use to listen for network requests. | Yes |
| *Recovery Mode* | *RecoveryMode* | Disabled | Specify whether you want the agent to run in recovery mode. In recovery mode, the agent accepts inbound connections from any Backup Manager without authentication. | No |
| *Synchronous IO Mode* | *SyncIoMode* | Disabled | Specify whether you want to use synchronous IO mode when reading blocks during backups. Use synchronous IO mode as a work-around when using encryption. | No |
| *Maximum Connections* | *MaximumNetworkConnections* | 32 | Set the maximum number of simultaneous network connections for the agent to accept at one time. Use this field to limit the amount of system resources that the agent uses to process new connections. | Yes |
| *Log File Directory* | *LogDir* | /usr/sbin/r1soft/log | Specify where on the file system you want the agent log files written. By default, logs are written to a log subdirectory in the agent installation directory. | Yes |
| *Log File Size Limit* | *LogFileMaxBytes* | 33554432 | Specify the largest size the agent log file can reach before it rolls over and creates a new file. The default size is *33554432* (32MB). | Yes |
| *Log Files to Keep* | *LogFileMaxFiles* | 10 | Specify the maximum number of historical log files the agent retains before deleting older log files. Setting the maximum to *0* allows you to create an unlimited number of log files. | Yes |
| *Debug Logging* | *Debug* | Disabled | Specify whether you want the agent to write debug messages to the log file. Use debug logging when troubleshooting problems with the agent. Note that enabling debug logging can drastically increase the amount of log messages generated. | No |
| *Maximum Driver Threads* | *MaxDriverThreads* | one thread per CPU | _Linux only_. Specify the number of threads the HCP driver uses when creating snapshots. The number of threads is associated with the number of CPUs on the server. If you set this value greater than the number of CPUs, then the count of CPUs is used instead of this number. By default, one thread per CPU is used. | No |
| *PID File Location* | *PidFile* | /var/run/ | _Linux only_. Specify the path that you want the agent to use when writing a process ID file for the running agent. The process ID (PID) file contains the process ID number for the remote agent. The default path to where the PID file is written is {{/var/run/}}. | Yes |
| *Lock File Location* | *LockFile* | /var/run/cdp.lock | _Linux only_. Specify the path that you want the agent to use when writing a lock file. The lock file helps prevent more than one agent from running at the same time. The default path to where the lock file is written is {{/var/run/cdp.lock}}. | Yes |
| *Nice Scheduling Priority* | *NiceValue* | 0 | _Linux only_. Specify the nice scheduling priority for the agent. The nice priority raises or lowers the scheduling priority of the running agent process. Niceness values range from \-20 (most favorable) to 19 (least favorable). | No |
| *Option/Value* | _direct translation of option name_ | none | Specify any additional generic option and value you want to change. | Yes |

*To reconfigure a Backup Agent while in Backup Manager*:

1. In Backup Manager, click "Servers" in the navigation pane.

2. On the row associated with the server containing the Agent you want to configure, click the Configure Remote Agent Options icon, as shown in the following image:

    !Agent Config Icon Eng.png!

Server Backup displays the Configure Remote Agent Options window, as shown in the following image:

    !Configure Remote Agent Options Eng.png!

3. Make the necessary changes. Note that the fields containing an asterisk \* require a restart before taking effect.

4. Click *Save*.

Instructions on how to change Backup Agent configuration from Backup Manager.