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Server Backup Manager allows you to protect the Linux Home Directory on the Server. As a standard subdirectory of the root directory, the purpose of {{/home}} is to contain users' home directories. Server Backup allows you to backup and restore *Linux users' accounts*.

The following objects are protected and restored:
* the {{/home}} directory and all sub-directories
* all files in these directories

The following accounts are excluded during the replication:
* root (UID=0)
* locked out
* expired accounts
* accounts that do not have passwords

To protect the Linux Home Directory, enable the Hosting Control Panel feature. See [Enable the Hosting Control Panels feature].

Linux Home Directories functionality is mainly used when there is no any Control Panel installed on the Server. If a Control Panel is installed and two Instances have already been added, including the Linux Home Directories, you won't be able to use the functionality mentioned above.

Henceforth, the Linux Home Directory on Unix-like operating systems is referred to as the */home* directory. For more information about {{/home}} directories, see [].

This application retrieves the users' {{/home}} directory using the standard Linux API.

The following Backup Manager interface elements help you protect your Linux Home Directories:

* The _Control Panels_ tab in the _Edit Policy_ window and _Create New Policy_ window
* The _Control Panels_ tab in the Task History
* The _Control Panel Users_ action in the Recovery Points list

Below is a collection of pages devoted to the subject of protecting Linux Home Directories.
* [Add a Linux home directory instance to a policy]
* [Restore a regular Linux user account]

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to protect a Linux Home Directories Instance in Server Backup Manager.