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{color:windowtext}One of the best ways to stay informed if a backup hasn’t completed in the expected time frame, is to create an "X number of days" report.{color}
{color:windowtext}This report can be configured to send an email notification to a specific email address, SBM user, or SBM group, if a protected machine has not backed up successfully in a specified number of days. {color}{color:#000000} {color}

{note:title=Notice}{color:#000000}Make sure you configured the SMTP Host and SMTP Default Return Address in the Manager Options screen prior to scheduling a report. for more information about these options, see{color} {color:#000000}[ServerBackup:Configure Manager Options]{color}{color:#000000}.{color}
{color:#000000}Although setting the FROM address appears optional, the best practice is to add a{color} {color:#000000}{*}FROM:*{color} {color:#000000}address to the{color} {color:#000000}{*}Set Report Options, without setting a FROM address you may get an error when adding a report.*{color}{note}1. Choose Reports from the navigation bar on the left side

2. Choose "New Report"



3. Give the report a name and description and click "Next"



4. Select the report Owner and click "Next"



{color:windowtext}5. {color}{color:windowtext}Select the report type : "{color}{color:#353535}Machine/Agent Backup Status Report"{color}{color:#000000} and click "Next"{color}



{color:windowtext}6. Select the frequency and start time. It is recommended to choose a start time after the backup is expected to complete.{color}{color:#000000}  Click "Next"{color}



{color:windowtext}7. Choose one or more recipients to receive the report. The report can be sent to an SBM User, an SBM Group, or a specified email address.{color}{color:#000000}  Click "Next"{color}



{color:windowtext}8. To report only on specific protected machines, check the box for "{color}{color:#353535}Filter by Protected Machine"{color}{color:windowtext}  {color}{color:#353535}To report on all protected machines, leave the box unchecked.{color}

{color:windowtext} {color} !Filter.png|border=1!


{color:#353535}9. I{color}{color:#353535}f the filter option was chosen in the last step, select{color}{color:#353535} the protected machines to include in the report, and click "Next". Otherwise, proceed to step 10.{color}{color:#000000} {color}

{color:#353535}10. Specify the number of days without backups to report on.(Required){color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:#353535}Send individual emails (Optional){color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:#353535}Send empty reports (Optional){color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:#353535}Specify a from address (Required){color}

{color:windowtext} {color} !X_Days.png|border=1!

{color:#353535}11. Review the Summary page and click "Save"{color}{color:#000000} to finish.{color}