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{page-title}{excerpt:hidden=false}Everyone Loves Taking a Dump{excerpt}

[mysqldump|] is a command line utility provided with MySQL that automates the process of taking a SQL dump.  Read more about [SQL dumps here|TP:SQL Database Dump].  

h3. How Does mysqldump Work?

A big challenge with mysqldump is that performing a backup takes longer and longer as the data set grows.  It also holds table locks and transactions during the entire backup operation which can interrupt users of your database while the backup is taking place.  The best use of MySQL dump is to provide a weekly sanity check on database integrity.  One advantage of [SQL dumps|TP:SQL Database Dump] is that they read all of the data in the database and can provide an early warning of problems with your MySQL data store or raw MyISAM files.
| {color:#cc0000}Category{color}\\ | [Legacy|TP:Categories of MySQL Backup Software]\\ |
| Archive Type | Disk \\ |
| MySQL Storage Engines Supported | All \\ |
| Supported O/S | All \\ |
| Binlog Backup & Restore | {color:#cc0000}No{color} |
| {color:#cc0000}Zero Business Interruption (Online Backups){color} | {color:#cc0000}No{color}\\ |
| Granular (Table Level) Restore \\ | {color:#cc0000}No{color} {color:#000000}(only if you manually edit SQL dump files){color} |
| Easy to Use Graphical User Interface \\ | {color:#cc0000}No{color} |
| Complete Server Protection (Backup All Data or just MySQL?) \\ | {color:#cc0000}No{color} |
| Backup Type \\ | [Full (Incremental with Binary Logs)|TP:Backup Method - Full Backup] \\ |
| {color:#cc3300}Backup Window Length{color} \\ | {color:#cc3300}Long{color} \\ |
| {color:#cc3300}Server Disk I/O and Load Impact{color} \\ | {color:#cc3300}Heavy{color} \\ |